Provider Member Benefits

Provider Members include state, regional, or national home medical equipment supplier companies, whose primary focus is to provide equipment and services to patients in their home.

Your Membership Includes:

  • Receive timely email updates on state and industry news
  • Access to our State News and Updates
  • Opportunity to join TexMEP Committees
  • Access to TexMEP Member Directories and Contacts
  • Receive Member Discounts for Annual Conference and 
  • Complimentary Webinars and Virtual Education
  • Additional Member Discounts

TexMEP Member-to-Member Benefits

The below benefits are offered by TexMEP Associate Members or Partners to our Provider Members.

TexMEP Members are Eligible for Exclusive Discounts on HealthTrainU Services!


SBVR is offering a discount to TexMEP Members for their first year!


TexMEP Offers 3 Levels of Provider Memberships:

National suppliers and drop ship companies join at Provider Level 3 only.



Annual Dues

Provider Level 1:

Providers with 1-3 Store Locations

Companies that have 1-3 physical store locations - includes states both within and outside of Texas.

Drop-ship and national providers: Join at Level 3 Only


Provider Level 2:

Providers with 4-10 Store Locations 

Companies that have 4-10 physical store locations - includes states both within and outside of Texas.

Drop-ship and national providers: Join at Level 3 Only


Provider Level 3:

Providers with 10+ Store Locations or Drop Ship

Includes National Providers and Drop-Ship Companies

National or Multi-state Providers are companies who are either located outside of Texas and serve patients in Texas, or have locations in multiple states. These include drop-ship companies with a physical location outside of Texas.





Texas Medical Equipment Providers Association

PO Box 371140, El Paso, TX 79937-1140

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software