Having been accepted into membership in the Texas Medical Equipment Providers Association, we do hereby subscribe without reservation to the association’s Code of Ethics.

The purpose of the Code of Ethics shall be to set and improve standards within the Texas Home Medical Equipment provider community.  To maintain the ethical conduct and integrity of this Association, a member pledges to abide by the following:

  1. To render the highest level of care promptly and competently, prioritizing the health and safety of the patient.  Uphold and preserve the highest standards of patient confidentiality.
  2. Maintain full and honest compliance with all supplier standards.
  3. Serve all patients regardless of race, creed, national origin, reason of illness, or any other protected class.
  4. Provide quality home medical equipment and services which are appropriate for the patient’s needs.  Never knowingly condone or assist the dispensing, promoting or distributing of substandard medical devices or those which lack therapeutic value.
  5. Always endeavor to provide patients with modern, up-to-date equipment and services.
  6. Continuously expand and improve professional knowledge within the organization.
  7. Refrain from engaging in any activity that will bring discredit to the HME provider community and expose, without fear or favor, illegal or unethical conduct.
  8. Support and defend a patient’s right to choose their own provider.
  9. Uphold the TexMEP Anti-Trust Policy
  10. Act in good faith, be honest and fair to all concerned, and to hold the health and safety of patients as one’s first consideration.




Texas Medical Equipment Providers Association

PO Box 371140, El Paso, TX 79937-1140


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