Tuesdays in October
Webinar Series
Every Tuesday in October will feature a live speaker or
round-table discussion at no cost for TexMEP Members!
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Day 1: October 5, 2021 | 11:00 AM (CST)
Millennials and the Perennials your Secret Sauce for Success
Speaker: Sarah Hanna, ECS North
Leveraging a workforce which can bring the best to your company has never been more important than in today’s business environment. Millennials comprise the majority of the labor force today, but have you heard of the Perennials? Perennial is a term that is cross generational. They know what's happening in the world, stay current with technology and have friends of all ages. Perennials get involved, stay curious, mentor others, are passionate, compassionate, creative, and collaborative. Learn how to enhance the talent of the Millennials as well as reap the rewards of the Perennials to increase productivity and profits.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify what Millennials are looking for in a work environment
- Describe how to identify Perennials on your team
- Express how changing the work environment can benefit your company
- Discuss what organizations could be missing by focusing on the Millennial workforce
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Day 2: October 12, 2021 | 2:00 PM (CST)
Value Based Care – How do we fit in?
Speaker: Miriam Lieber, Lieber Consulting
Value-based care is increasingly more common in healthcare. HME providers must think strategically about their stake in the overall healthcare picture. Evidence demonstrates a positive association between patient experience and healthcare outcomes, including patient adherence to medical advice and reduced expense such as hospital readmission. In this discussion, we will focus on patient engagement via technology and data. Learn how data and outcomes contribute to increased customer lifetime value and overall business value in this forward-thinking session.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the HME provider’s role in value-based care
- Evaluate why patient engagement matters for adherence and outcomes
- Explain how data and reporting impact referral relationships and internal operational controls as well as overall business value
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Day 3: October 19, 2021 | 3:00 PM (CST)
TexMEP Membership Meeting
(TexMEP Members Only)
Join your fellow providers and colleagues in Texas in learning more about TexMEP's recent activity, upcoming events, and goals for 2022.
Discuss current hardships your company has faced this year, ask questions, seek advice from TexMEP and members.
Calendar invite with Zoom login for session will be sent to all member registrants
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Day 4: October 26, 2021 | 4:30 PM (CST)
TexMEP Halloween Virtual Happy Hour!
If you were able to attend our last Happy Hour back in February, you know you're up for a good time with great people! Grab your favorite beverage and join us on the evening of October 26 for a Halloween Themed Virtual Happy Hour! We look forward to hearing from you and learning more about you. Costumes/Halloween makeup encouraged! Let's have some fun!
Calendar invite with Zoom login for session will be sent to all registrants
Remember to include the best mailing address, whether home or work,
for a special treat for joining our Happy Hour!
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Registration Fees
TexMEP Members: No Fee
Non-Members: $150 per company
Become a member today for only $350 to join us on the
TexMEP Membership Meeting call on October 12!
Your membership dues includes membership for the rest or 2021 AND 2022!
Click Here to Become a Member!
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